NOSSCR   1300 I Street, NW, Suite 825, Washington, DC 20005


Advocacy Values & Goals

The mission of the National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives (NOSSCR) is to advocate for improvements in Social Security disability programs and to ensure that individuals with disabilities applying for Social Security Disability and SSI benefits have access to highly qualified representation and receive fair decisions.

These are the core values that guide NOSSCR’s advocacy efforts on behalf of its members and their clients:
  • Social Security disability benefits are a vital part of our nation’s social insurance system and social safety net.
  • People with disabilities applying for disability benefits are entitled to high quality representation in the disability application and appeals process.
  • Representation during the Social Security disability programs application and appeals process is critical for claimants.
  • Applicants for Social Security disability benefits are entitled to fair and independent adjudications.
  • Public policy advocacy to protect and strengthen the Social Security disability programs is integral to achieving NOSSCR’s mission.
  • Continuing legal education helps ensure that Social Security disability claimants have the highest quality representation possible.


NOSSCR’s Advocacy Goals:
  1. Protect the Social Security disability programs from changes that adversely impact claimants and their families, impede access to representation, or impact the ability of applicants to get a fair and impartial hearing.
  2. Advocate for improvements in the Social Security disability programs, the application and appeal process and to advocate for SSA to reach fair and accurate disability decisions in a timely manner.
  3. Advocate for measures to ensure that representatives receive fair compensation such that a Social Security Disability practice remains viable.

Main Office

  • 1300 I (Eye) Street, NW, Suite 825
    Washington, DC 20005
  • 202.849.6466
  • nosscr@nosscr.org

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