NOSSCR   1300 I Street, NW, Suite 825, Washington, DC 20005


Board of Directors Meeting

The Board of Directors met on September 14, 2023, with some members attending in person in our D.C. office and others attending remotely via Zoom. Twenty-three members were present, constituting a quorum. Also present as guests were NOSSCR staff David Camp, Laura Beth Waller, Jennifer Cronenberg, and Betsy Osborn.

The minutes from the July meeting were approved, and the committees were ratified. When officers change on January 1, 2024, Ted Norwood, who moved from an Eighth Circuit to an at-large seat, will serve as Secretary, Rob Wendt as Treasurer, Paul Burkhalter as President-Elect, and Rick Fleming as President. Christine Burnside filled the 4th Circuit Representative seat vacated by Laura Beth Waller.

The Board discussed clarifying when a departing Board member’s term ends. The Board voted that unless otherwise specified in NOSSCR’s bylaws, a Board member’s term ends by declining to run for reelection, losing an election, or resigning. Unless determined by Article VI, Section 7 (Resignation or Removal), the last day of the departing Board member’s term is the date before the next scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors.

The Board voted to increase membership dues. Effective January 1, 2024, dues will increase to $250 for emeritus and nonprofit members, $300 for new members, $450 for regular members, and $600 for sustaining members.

The Board discussed celebrating NOSSCR’s 45th anniversary at the May 2024 conference in Nashville. The Board directed that NOSSCR staff work on options for refreshed NOSSCR branding. The Board also voted to hold the 2026 conference in Boston, Chicago, or San Diego, with the final city to be determined by a membership vote.

The Board ratified the Executive Committee’s extension of David Camp’s contract as Interim CEO through May 2024.

The Board received updates on NOSSCR’s staffing changes, financial position, cost-saving measures implemented, opportunities for revenue and growth, formalizing procedures and relationships, upcoming events and conferences, the referral service, governmental advocacy efforts, and interfacing with the Social Security Administration.

The Board will hold its next meeting on March 5, 2024, in person in our D.C. office, with the option to attend remotely via Zoom.

Updates to Referral Service

Participation in NOSSCR’s Referral Service is a benefit of NOSSCR membership. The NOSSCR Referral Service number is published in correspondence sent to unrepresented claimants confirming their request for a hearing. When a claimant calls the Referral Service number, they are routed to a NOSSCR member based on that member’s participation in the Referral Service and selection of the area code from which the claimant calls. We anticipate a relaunch of NOSSCR’s Referral Service soon, and participants will need to reenroll. More information will be posted to NOSSCR’s website as it becomes available.


Main Office

  • 1300 I (Eye) Street, NW, Suite 825
    Washington, DC 20005
  • 202.849.6466
  • nosscr@nosscr.org

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