I’m excited to provide several updates on NOSSCR’s activities.

August is NOSSCR’s month for “Circuit Representative” Board director elections, and this year, the only open seat is the one I vacated when I became NOSSCR President—the 11th Circuit. NOSSCR members in Alabama, Florida, and Georgia received emails from our contractor, Simply Voting, inviting them to cast a secure and private online ballot for Pamela Atkins or George Piemonte. Pamela and George both previously served as President, and we are looking forward to having one of them join us. The election ends on August 31, and I will announce the results at the Membership Meeting on Friday, September 1, at 3 p.m. ET. If you’d like a link to register for that meeting, please email nosscr@nosscr.org. We will also update everyone in the next issue of The Forum. The election winner will join our next board meeting in Washington, DC, on September 14.
As you may have seen in an earlier edition of The Forum, NOSSCR’s bylaws have been updated. The most significant recent change is the removal of the Council of Past Presidents. The board decided that the modernization of NOSSCR’s governance process required this update. NOSSCR’s counsel and a past president issued opinions in support of this elimination. We have found that our large board of circuit representatives and at-large directors provides an excellent diversity of opinions. Notably, our board now includes a seat designated for a NextGen NOSSCR member.
Our current bylaws may be found here.
Our former Board member (and President) David Camp moved from Chief Policy Officer to Interim CEO. David has agreed to serve in that role through our next annual conference in May, and we are thrilled to have him working to continue our many upgrades. As you will see in his and the other updates, NOSSCR’s changes continue to impress.
We want your suggestions! NOSSCR needs to select a city for our 2026 Annual Conference. In May 2024, we will be in Nashville and return to Washington, DC, in 2025. Our 2026 Conference city has not yet been selected. Please let us know what you think. Send your thoughts on our city selection to nosscr@nosscr.org. We will compile responses and consider them in our board meeting.
I have said this many times, but it bears repeating. It is a great honor to serve all of you as NOSSCR’s President. I hope you are seeing our upgrades and that you will continue to let us know how we can make your association better.