Contact: Tod Didier
Phone: 202-845-8631
Statement on Intent to Nominate Gov. O’Malley
as Commissioner of Social Security
August 2, 2023, Washington, D.C. — NOSSCR is pleased with the news of President Biden’s intent to nominate former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley to serve as Commissioner of the Social Security Administration.
The disability claims and appeals process must utilize all the modern tools available to ensure timely, accurate, and efficient decisions. With a track record of data-based decision-making, Governor O’Malley is an ideal nominee to implement solutions reforming the agency’s many antiquated processes and systems. Relying on current job information in adjudicating cases, safeguarding claimant data, and maximizing the use of electronic medical records are of the utmost importance in leading the Social Security Administration forward.
Governor O’Malley’s lifetime of public service makes NOSSCR optimistic that he will lead the agency into the modern era, fully reopen field offices, enhance customer service, and reduce unnecessary and costly delays for claimants while supporting a cost-of-living based increase in the attorney fee cap so that our members can continue their vital work. NOSSCR looks forward to working with Governor O’Malley on these and other issues important to our membership and the claimants they serve.
The National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives (NOSSCR) is the largest community of advocates for Social Security claimants in the nation. NOSSCR and its members advocate for improvements in Social Security disability programs and work to ensure fair representation for all claimants. To learn more, visit