OHO has provided the following direct contact information for the NHCs. General phone numbers are listed for each NHC on SSA’s Hearing Office Locator website (www.ssa.gov/appeals/ho_locator.html) but you can utilize the specific contacts below if you are unable to get through when calling the main line. Please note that the Baltimore NHC specifically has experienced challenges with their phone coverage, but those issues are being addressed now.
NHC | General Questions | Scheduling Questions |
ABQ | Nancy Sacoman Administrative Officer Nancy.Sacoman@ssa.gov 866-964-1298 ext 31808 | Liza Ramirez Supervisory Case Manager Liza.Ramirez@ssa.gov 866-964-1298 ext 31817 |
BALTO | David Biersack Acting Administrative Officer David.Biersack@ssa.gov 1-888-450-4590 Ext. 29212 (This is the Dayton OHO number) | Ronald Williams Supervisory Case Manager Ronald.J.Williams@ssa.gov 1-877-711-5019 Ext. 28981 |
CHI | Ayanna Grady-Gant Administrative Officer Ayanna.Grady-Gant@ssa.gov 877-768-5681 ext. 19017 | Tarnisha Cook Supervisory Case Manager Tarnisha.Cook@ssa.gov 877-768-5681 ext. 19014 |
FC | Schelley Stokes Administrative Officer Schelley.Stokes@ssa.gov (877)229-3532, Ext. 19253 | Terron Gladney Supervisory Case Manager Terron.Gladney@ssa.gov (877)229-3532, Ext. 19218 |
STL | Katie Clark Acting Administrative Officer Katie.Clark@ssa.gov 877-409-4579, ext. 20118 | Cheria Lucas Supervisory Case Manager Cheria.Lucas@ssa.gov 877-409-4579, ext. 20169 |